Oasis Guitar Humidifier

Product Feature
- You can see when Oasis is ready for refillLong lasting humidificationWon't leak due to overfillingTwo levels of leak protectionStabilized to Never Touch the Body of Your Instrument
Product Description
Keep your acoustic guitar safe and sound. The Oasis Guitar Humidifier will help preserve your guitar and make it sound better. Many of the most common problems with acoustic guitars arise from humidity issues. Ever seen a great looking acoustic with a split top? Humidity. How about a neck that all the sudden has action a mile high? Humidity. Too little humidity can cause small or even huge issues with your guitar. Scared yet? The Oasis Guitar Humidifier is a quick and easy solution to your humidity needs. UNlike other humidifiers, the Oasis uses a special gel which holds up to 500 times its weight in water, in a gel form. The gel is less likely to leak inside your instrument, this is a good thing. The special fabric the Oasis Humidifier is made from allows water vapor, but not water, to pass through it, keeping your instrument happy and humidified. Bottom line: if you have an acoustic you care about and want to keep safe from humidity issues, you need the Oasis Guitar Humidifier.Oasis Guitar Humidifier Review
The Oasis humidifier is pretty good when new, but Gore-Tex is not forever, and after a couple of years it WILL leak. If the humidifier is in contact with the fur lining of the case it can wick the entire contents of the bottle out in a few hours and soak the instrument -- DAMHIKT! Hanging in the soundhole is better but eventually you'll get stains. Replace once a year for safety.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Oasis Guitar Humidifier" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Oasis Guitar Humidifier ...

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