Danelectro DJ-5C Tuna Melt Tremolo Mini Effects Pedal

Product Feature
- Tremolo
- Danelectro DJ-5C Tuna Melt Tremolo Mini Effects Pedal, Tremolo
Product Description
Tuna has nothing to do with this mini pedal but, the Danelectro Tuna Melt will give you that great vintage tremolo sound.Danelectro DJ-5C Tuna Melt Tremolo Mini Effects Pedal Review
I'm a very retro/roots oriented guitar player, and I had been wanting a tremelo for a long time, so when I heard about this, I got one. Have not been disappointed. Classic 50's/ 60's shiver, from Bo Diddley and Duane Eddy to CCR(you WILL play Born on the Bayou over and over again for hours when you first get this thing. Trust me). I compared this to many more expensive trem pedals, such as the Boss, but overall, this thing wins hands down. I also compared it to the tremelo on a friends '66 Fender Vibro Champ. The Vibro Champ sounded a bit more warm and buttery, due to it's trem circuit being all tube, but this thing comes DANG CLOSE. I don't know that you could really tell the difference between the two unless you were listening for it. It's easy as pie to use. It has two knobs: rate and depth, and a hard/soft switch. The soft setting is more of a classic Fender trem sound, while the hard setting is more a complete on/off effect, like a Vox's tremelo. The hard setting is probably not one you're going to be using much. However, if you're looking for the sound that Johnny Marr got on the Smith's "How Soon is Now" or something like that, then the hard switch will help you get there. The only downside to this pedal is the same as with all Danelectro mini-pedals: its small size and plastic construction. I've not had any failures yet, but if you're not careful and you stomp on this thing like an idiot with your size 13 boots, it WILL break. Treat it well though, and act like a sane human, and it will probably last you forever. If you gig with this you're probably only going to use this for one or two songs in a set anyway. But, if you're going after a vintage vibe, this is essential.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Danelectro DJ-5C Tuna Melt Tremolo Mini Effects Pedal" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Danelectro DJ-5C Tuna Melt Tremolo Mini Effects Pedal ...

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