Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit

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Product Description
Use the Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit to refill your Oasis in-case guitar humidifier system, and keep your acoustic guitar in premium condition. Improper case humidity is the number one cause of damaged acoustic guitars, causing wood to split if it's too dry and causing warping when it's too humid. HumiGel absorbs up to 500 times its weight in water, making sure your guitar case is never too humid. Use it with the Oasis humidifier system, and your case will always be a safe environment for your guitar. One Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit will give you years of refills.Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit Review
Yup, I knew better. One little 'oops' squeeze while filling my Oasis guitar humidifier, and a goodly portion of the 'gel' plopped out and landed in the sink. Knowing I was a klutz, I had wisely purchased the refill kit along with my Oasis OH-6 Case Humidifiers. The amount of crystals in the refill pack looks minute, but there's enough in there for several 'oops' moments.If you do need to refill your oasis humidifier, I recommend thoroughly rinsing out all remaining gel, and starting fresh with the amount specified in the refill kit instructions. Otherwise, it's difficult to gauge the correct total amount in the unit.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Oasis HumiGel Replacement Kit ...

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