Elixir Nanoweb Anti-Rust Electric 7-String 10-56 12057

Product Feature
- 0.010-.056 Seven-string Light Gauge Electric Guitar Strings
Product Description
Elixir® Strings deliver the presence, punch, and detail of traditional electric guitar strings. But when it comes to tone life, there is no comparison. Players report with Elixir Strings their tone lasts longer than any other string, uncoated or coated. Elixir Strings for electric guitar are available with NANOWEB® or POLYWEB® Coating.Elixir Nanoweb Anti-Rust Electric 7-String 10-56 12057 Review
I love elixir strings. Especially on my acoustic(Phosphor Bronze Lights are the shizzz). I bought these to see if the same tone and longevity that I got from my acoustic could transfer to my Ibanez 7620. For the most part. Yes. The tone great. I love how long these strings last and they bend quite well. I don't mind the coating shred around the pickup area that some don't like with coated strings. As long as it's not happening on the fretboard I am a happy camper.My only gripe with most 7 string sets is their low B string is never the right tension. The Low B is a 56 in this set. D addario sells a 59 for their Low B. The 56 is a little too floppy for any kind of metal or even Jazz play. I feel that most string companies also do this too, not just Elixir so I assume they are just following suit.
If you don't mind that the 56 will not be as tight as it should be(IMO) then totally go for this set. If not then get yourself a set of D Addario 10-59s or just a single 59 and a box of 6 String Elixir(10-46) Nanoweb Coating. That should hold you over till someone figures out the right tensions for 7-8 string sets.
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