DR Strings Rare - Phosphor Bronze AcousticHex Core 11-50

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"DR Strings Rare - Phosphor Bronze AcousticHex Core 11-50" Good news! You can purchase
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Price: $6.43 $5.24 

Product Feature
- Gauges: .011, .015, .022, .030, .040, .050
Product Description
Gauges 11, 15, 22, 30, 40, 50. Rare Phosphor Bronze Acoustic Strings from DR Strings are a departure from the standard, good quality bronze string currently available -- not necessarily better, but possessing a new, different, and stronger voice. Hand-carved archtops, dreadnoughts, and good steel string acoustic guitars of rosewood, maple, and mahogany benefit from a distinct improvement in tone, depth, and sustain with a fatter, louder sound and a deeper bottom.
DR Strings Rare - Phosphor Bronze AcousticHex Core 11-50 Review
I have been faithfully using DR strings now for as many as 10 plus years. I play professionally and need strings that hold up stay in tune and have a true sound. The biggest part I love about them is they are rare to break. In fact over the years using them I can bearly recall maybe 1 time I broke an high E.
I joined established rock band playing every weekend 3 YEARS AGO. The lead guitar player left and I was the new guy. I have always carried 1 guitar with me my whole professional life (Now age 50) my 1977 ( I bought new)Les Paul custom deluxe was all I ever used or needed I never had a backup. The guys were all concearned what if during a set I broke a string. When I told them its rare to never I break a string. Years ago I stwiched to DR stings 10 ga sets and now have that much confidence in them. They though I was crazy but after a few months of playing out with them they realized I was right. I tried all the different type 10 ga DR strings and they all hold up the same. I ususally change all strings out when working every weekend about every 6 weeks.I also use the DR green Bronze 11 ga acoustic on my Taylor and they are the same quailty I have confidence in. I just bought the new Zebra DRs for to try. Well worth the cost and piece of mind. Get a set youll see.
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