Oasis OH-2 Digital Hygrometer w/clip

Product Feature
- It is guaranteed for 5 full years.
Product Description
When the relative humidity drops below 40%, musical instruments are at risk of cracking. The Oasis Digital Hygrometer accurately measures relative humidity and can help you decide when to use your Oasis Guitar Humidifier. Because relative humidity varies greatly, even inside your home, we recommend that you keep your hygrometer close to your guitar, or any other stringed musical instrument made of wood. With the convenient case clip, it is now possible to measure the relative humidity inside your guitar case so you see when it's necessary to humidify the instrument. The clip attaches to the back of the OH-2 hygrometer and is mounted on the flap of the supply box inside your guitar case.Oasis OH-2 Digital Hygrometer w/clip Review
Not much to say about this item except that it measures temperature and humidity inside a guitar case or other small enclosure. The slim design fits easily in the confines of a hard case and you have a choice of velcro or clip on mounting. The clip mounts to the device with a pressure sensitive adhesive strip. Don't know how well that hangs on but the velcro mount worked fine for me. The min/max buttons are nice so you can see what your guitar was up to while you were away.Unfortunately, after living with this unit for several months, it doesn't seem to be very accurate. I have four digital hygrometers in my home. Two that are part of larger wireless indoor/outdoor weather stations, a cheap one from Harbor Freight, and the Oasis. I set them all in the same location and waited a couple of hours to see what would happen. The two weather stations and the HF cheapie agreed to within a percent. The Oasis read 5% lower than the others. This is not a big deal except that you're aiming for a specific value in a guitar case and an accurate instrument would be helpful in doing that.
I sent this first unit back to Oasis and to their credit, they supplied a new one quickly at no charge. Sadly, this new unit reads even lower than the first, 8-10% lower than any of my others. The only reasonable conclusion I can make is that all Oasis hygrometers simply read low, and in a guitar case application this will cause you nothing but angst and uncertainty as you try and get the humidity in the case up to the recommended 45-48%.
There are small, inexpensive hygrometers out there that are settable and can be user calibrated, and I think this a better solution than the more expensive and inaccurate Oasis. I originally gave this item 4 stars but have now reduced that to one. If an instrument does only one job, but does it poorly, what good is it?
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