Vox AC1RV 1-Watt 2x3 Guitar Combo Amplifier

Product Feature
- Battery powered amp supercharged with rhythm patterns and more
- Includes a total of 66 built-in Rhythm/Song Patterns, one extended length additional song pattern
- 2 x 3inch, 4ohm speakers
- Analog circuitry borrowed from the acclaimed amPlug series
- OVEDRIVE switch provides more sonic variation
Product Description
Ultra-small mini amps have gained great popularity as first amps or practice amps. Their highly cost-effective price allows them to be purchased casually as an accessory. The convenience of battery power and their space-saving ease of use only add to their appeal. Many professional guitarists like these amps for warming up in the dressing room. The casual guitarist may enjoy keeping a mini amp in the office, in the bedroom, or may carry one for inspired performing at any time. With the Vox AC1 already a member of the Vox lineup, the new AC1 RhythmVox adds a wealth of features never before seen on a mini amp - until now! In particular, the rhythm function rivals that of dedicated units, providing a total of 66 Rhythm/Song Patterns. The AC1 RhythmVox is a great choice not only as a first amp, but also as a warm-up amp on the road or in your rehearsal space, for practicing using the patterns as a metronome, or even as a rhythm box. It's sure to have a long and warm relationship with any guitarist. The AC1 RhythmVox also has a lot to offer as a guitar amp. To begin with, there's a full complement of gain, tone, and volume controls, letting you dial-in a broad range of sounds to suite your taste. A pair of three-inch speakers delivers a full-bodied sound. Refinements have been made to deliver even more highly developed realistic and full-fledged amp sound, based on the analog circuitry developed for the best-selling amPlug series of headphone amps. Best of all, Vox added an OVERDRIVE switch to provide more sonic variation. Switch it on for a serious high-gain sound; switch it off for a bright, clean sound.Vox AC1RV 1-Watt 2x3 Guitar Combo Amplifier Review
I own a variety of guitar amps for a variety of purposes, both hot glass and solid state. Until now, one type has eluded me: a truly useful mini-amp with extended battery life suitable for camping and travel with my tweaked Squier mini-Strat or RISA electric uke. Until now, pocket-sized battery amps have either been unfortunate-sounding toys (e.g. Marshall and Fender mini-amps) or battery hogs (i.e. Pignose).The Vox AC1-RV, in my estimation, changes everything. It's far more musical than other mini-amps and more energy efficient and tone-versatile than the Pignose. Despite its cheesy appearance (it actually manages to look cheaper in the flesh than it does in photographs) and toy-like plastic construction, it is workable (thanks to adult-sized control knobs), reasonably durable, and remarkably battery-frugal. The rhythm functions are a nice value add and the "E-string only" tuner has proved useful on a couple of occasions.
All of this said, the Vox AC1-RV should not be viewed as a perfect product. Rather, it stands as an important "first step in the right direction" that Vox and others will hopefully build upon and surpass in coming years. Many guitarists need an awesomely musical and awesomely energy efficient mini-amplifier and the AC1-RV is a useful approximation of this "holy grail" well worth its modest admission price. Rock on!
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