Jim Dunlop 11C Dunlop Guitar Capo Curved

Product Feature
- Model# 11C
Product Description
DUNLOP GUITAR CAPO CURVEDJim Dunlop 11C Dunlop Guitar Capo Curved Review
I love this capo, especially when the other brands I've bought break or are too difficult to use properly, this one always comes through. They're cheap but mine's lasted 2-3 decades, I can't remember now when I bought it. It justs lasts and lasts, and does the job. It's easy to use and non-intrusive. The only real disadvantage is it doesn't grip as hard as other capos and you have to retune as well. That's why it's my fall back capo and would not be my primary one if I could find another capo I like better that functions easily and keeps the strings in tune.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Jim Dunlop 11C Dunlop Guitar Capo Curved" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Jim Dunlop 11C Dunlop Guitar Capo Curved ...

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