Korg PX5D Pandora Guitar and Bass Multi Effects Processor

Product Feature
- A compact processor for guitar and bass
- USB Interface capability
- Famous Korg 'REMS' modeling technology. 180 variations of classic and cutting-edge guitar amps, bass amps, cabinets, classic and new effects.
Product Description
The all new KORG Pandora PX5D Multi-effects Processor for Guitar and Bass is the first ever USB equipped Pandora. In addition to hundreds of great effects and practice tracks, the PX5D USB and bundled recording software provides a totally complete guitar/bass recording interface! The Korg PANDORA series is famous for packing dozens of realistic modeling effects and a multitude of versatile functions into a pocket-sized unit. Korg is proud to announce the new PANDORA PX5D, optimized to work with your computer as a powerful recording tool. This new multi-effect processor for guitar and bass is the first in the PANDORA series to provide a USB/audio interface for direct connection to your desktop or laptop computer. The PX5D can be plugged into a computer and used in conjunction with your audio sequencer software to easily make CD-quality recordings. The new PX5D joins Korg’s respected PANDORA series, famous for packing high-quality sounds and ease of use into a pocket size unit; easy to enjoy anywhere and anytime. The PX5D provides a total of 180 realistic and wide-ranging effects created using Korg’s world-acclaimed, proprietary 'REMS' modeling technology. Included are simulations that recreate classic vintage and modern, high-gain amps, as well as effects ranging from the familiar to the unique. Numerous effects designed specifically for bass are also included, making the PX5D a great choice not only for the guitarist but for the bassist as well. In a first for the PANDORA series, a USB-MIDI/USB audio interface is also provided, allowing you to use the PX5D with your computer to transfer audio data or record into your DAW software. There’s also dedicated editor/librarian software that lets you edit and manage programs from your computer. All the classic features you have come expect from the PANDORA are also present, to help the guitarist or bassist practice, perform and record.Korg PX5D Pandora Guitar and Bass Multi Effects Processor Review
I've had the Pandora for two weeks now and I've used it extensively. So far, I am pleased that I bit the bullet and shelled out the money for this thing. It's loaded with all sorts of features, and most importantly, it prevents me from being turned off my instrument because of crappy sound (I am on vacation, about 7000 miles away from my beloved amps and mixers and doodads and geegaws).But take note, if you are listening to this thing through mediocre headphones or earbuds, you will hear a very sub-par and overall tremendously frustrating sound. For example, my Sony earbuds that I would rate 8/10 for iPod listening makes the Pandora sound totally tinny- scoops out all the mids, boosts the uselessly high treble and muddies up the bass. You will sit there trying to dial in a usable tone cursing the paint off your walls.
On the other hand, I have a pair of Audio-Technica M50 studio monitor headphones (no product endorsement, just saying what works for me) that sounds fantastic with the Pandora. So I guess the moral of my story is to pair this headphone amp with headphones that have a flat EQ response.
Because the Pandora is marketed as a headphone amp doesn't mean you are confined to headphones. I plugged the Pandora into a cheap bass amp and my guitar actually sounded pretty good! I can't wait to plug it into a good sound system and let it scream. From what I've heard, people have had a lot of success with going direct into PA or going through guitar or bass amps.
As far as the effects go, they gave me pretty much all I need and much much more. I am overall impressed with the built in reverb and delay effects, and the distortion sounds very good also. Some of the effects work in stereo so you can get that left to right rotary speaker effect. On top of the effects that I use all the time (reverb, distortion, compression, etc.) there are some WACKY stuff in here that I really haven't been able to use except for a few laughs. The intelligent harmonizer holds some potential although the tracking has a tiny, barely noticeable but noticeable hesitation. But since I'm greedy and I like having the option of oodles of stuff even though I might not use them, I would rate the effects on the Pandora 9/10 (where 10 is reserved for OMG EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD)
Korg put a lot of amp/cab/effect combo presets onto the Pandora, and when I started out, I used "Linkin" for my distortion, "Pop" for clean chorusy stuff and "Fab4" for clean tones. I ended up being 10% dissatisfied with them, so I just made my own presets and now I am 99% satisfied. The tweaks weren't big, like dialing down the distortion and adding a touch of reverb to "Linkin" preset and killing the teeny OD on "Fab4" etc. Much like the effects, some of the presets are wacked out. There is a preset on there called "Ill" and I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it in a musical way. Another preset called "Fire" has a really cool fuzzed out sound for single note melodies but goes haywire when you start playing harmonies. It might work really nicely for Muse basslines and such.
One thing I like about this is the AUX input and how it can transcribe recordings to your desire. It has made learning new songs for vocals and guitar much more convenient. The bass canceler function seems to work pretty well, and I imagine it would come in really handy, although I am separated from my bass right now. Korg included a lot of drum loops and an option to add basslines to those drum loops for jamming and practice purposes, but I wouldn't build my career on those drum/bass loops... they can sound kinda cheesy.
The construction of the Pandora looks very solid. I was worried at first that the Pandora would be built like the Korg tuners, which are light plastic without much heft, but I was happy to find that the Pandora feels really rugged. The instruction manual is comprehensive and is multilingual (if you ever get the urge to learn how to talk about flangers in German or something...)! I've been using batteries to power mine since I didn't get a wall adapter, and I burned through a pair of AAs in a week and a half of thorough use.
Other than that, the thing comes with a mini version of Ableton Live, the adapter cable for the footswitches (not included, planning on getting one myself) and the USB cable. Korg even included little rubber pads so the little rectangle doesn't get pulled off the table.
Overall, very happy with the product. Cheers, Korg!
For people who don't want to read all of my drivel,
Great sound with good listening devices
Lots of useful effects
Lots of useful amp and cabinet models
Good presets
Very utilitarian (backlight option for the screen, etc.)
Solid construction
Some effects and presets I would never use
Doesn't come with wall adapter
Small learning curve in navigating through the menu
Adjusting volume balance between aux and input is finicky.
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