Jim Dunlop SLS1501N Straplok System-Nickel

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Product Feature
Product Description
The Dunlop Straplok Rig is the strap retainer designed with the artist in mind. 360-degree groove and ball design allows the unit to rotate without catching. The case hardened steel skin guarantees long life. The same strap can be used with several guitars, as the strap button is interchangeable. Release tested up to 800 lbs. of pull, it will not come loose!
Jim Dunlop SLS1501N Straplok System-Nickel Review
Here's what strap locks are supposed to do: securely attach your strap to your guitar. These do that much better than Schallers and the Fender rip-offs of Schaller.
I used the Schallers many years ago. They look great, but the problem is they screw onto the strap with a nut. I am very good with maintenance, check for loose parts, etc., but at one gig with my super heavy American deluxe 5 string jazz bass, the nut worked its way off the strap, and I dropped it. It was with a heavy leather strap, and I did tighten it down with pliers upon installation and I'm sure I kept it maintained. Absolutely ridiculous and inexcusable. Never again. Unless you want to inspect and retighten your strap locks at every single rehearsal and gig, forget about Schallers. They're a good company and they make great tuners, I don't fault the materials, it's simply that threaded things can work their way loose, a fatal design flaw for this type of device. Come on, its only purpose is to not allow something to come off of something else.
The Dunlop strap locks fit on with a locking ring. It is impossible to remove these from the strap by accident. If you're having trouble getting the lockrings on, I have a YouTube video posted to my channel, NickWeissMusic, just search for Dunlop strap lock installation. It's kind of tough at first but with experience, it's very easy. The package instructions are correct but not very helpful.
I have these on more than 10 instruments, and have never had even close to a failure in well over a decade. The package recommends periodically lubricating the mechanism inside the lock, but I have never done so, in my experience lubricants usually gunk things up more than they help for things like this. I've never had so much as a grind or squeak from the button or ball bearings in these strap locks, if I did, I'd probably just replace it. I do give the locks a little tug when I put them on to make sure they're engaged, other than that, you can forget about them, which is the way it should be.
The only possible downside is that these strap locks keep the strap a little further from the instrument then using no strap locks or the Schallers do, to which I say, who cares. Well, I guess a lot of people care about that, since I see it in a lot of reviews. If using no strap lock or a poorly designed one is worth it to you, just so you can have your strap a quarter inch closer to your guitar, so be it. I have seen Ernie Ball strap locks that seem to be a little lower profile, I think they use lock rings too. Maybe try those, but I'm sticking with the flawless track record of the Dunlops.
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