Danelectro D-4 Fab Slap Echo Effects Pedal

Product Feature
- Repeat and Mix Tone controls.
- Uses a 9-volt battery or 9volt adapter.
- The Slap Echo of Yesteryear.
Product Description
The Slap Echo of Yesteryear.Danelectro D-4 Fab Slap Echo Effects Pedal Review
I bought one of these pedals 3 years ago, along with some of the other Danelectro pedals in this line, and was happy with it. The sound I get with it is very, very cool. After a while it just stopped working. While I was disappointed at that moment I just ordered another one the next time I was online. You can't beat the price. If it does stop working after after a few years of use, you aren't looking at paying $90 or more for a new pedal. All of my other Danelectro pedals are still working just fine so it may have been a fluke in the electronics or I just used it to death. An electrical engineer friend and I took the pedal apart to try and fix it but decided it wasn't worth taking up our time since I could replace for $15. So I ordered another one. Definately get an adapter for this. Yes, it's casing is plastic but quite sturdy. Just don't jump on it like you're trying to put out a fire when turning it on and off. Guitars and effects are the tools of a musican's trade not the hammer and nails of a builder's. Think about getting a 1 Spot adapter so you can chain several pedals to one outlet. If you would rather use batteries for each of your pedals...well...I'd suggest buying them by the gross. Any effects pedal made by any company is going to eat batteries like a stoner eats potato chips. Used alone or with other effects, the Danelectro Fab Slap Echo Effects Pedal will be sure to delight your auditory kinesthesis.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Danelectro D-4 Fab Slap Echo Effects Pedal" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Danelectro D-4 Fab Slap Echo Effects Pedal ...

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